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Kosmická Numerologie je zcela nový a fascinující koncept hlubšího vnímání významu čísel, tak jak jej lidstvo žije na podvědomé úrovni již od nepaměti. Vychází z prazákladních univerzálních Kosmických principů, a proto nese název Kosmická Numerologie. Kolektivní podvědomí lidstva tuto Kosmickou moudrost zná velmi dobře. Velikou silou Kosmické numerologie je její snadná praktická ověřitelnost. Díky všudypřítomným názorným příkladům, má každý z nás kdykoliv možnost si v praxi ověřovat platnost Kosmické numerologie, neboť na podvědomé úrovni se základními Kosmickými archetypy pracuje lidstvo neustále.


Tyto kosmické principy můžeme vědomě využívat ve svůj prospěch, stejně jako to dělali mudrci dávnověku.
Čeká Vás důležitý pohovor? Svůj výkon můžete podpořit propojením se s principy čísla 4. Chcete si dodat více odvahy k vyslyšení volání svého srdce? Můžete se vědomě propojit s číslem 7. Chcete se vědoměji rozhodovat? Můžete se propojovat s číslem 3. Chcete podpořit jedinečnost Vaší individuality a kreativity? Můžete se propojit s pětkou. Chcete se vědomě napojovat na harmonii Univerza? Můžete se propojovat s číslem 8. Záleží Vám v srdci na někom a chcete podpořit duchovní kvality při Vašem setkání? Můžete se vědomě propojit s číslem 9. A tak dále a tak dále. Jakmile uzříte, pochopíte a prožijete vliv všudypřítomných Kosmických principů v praxi, náhle je jasněji uzříte všude kolem sebe. A čísla, to nejsou pouhé kupecké počty. Čísla jsou jedny z nejsilnějších symbolů Univerza a jeho vědomí. Čísla proto pracují na nejhlubší úrovni. Tyto základní symboly ji přímo spoluvytváří.
here you will find what values and principles are mirrored by and linked to through particular numbers

Jiri Vesely is also the author of the entirely new and groundbreaking number reflection self-development cards, called the LIGHT OF NUMBERS. As we've been witnessing so far, these cards possess an immense potential for self-development resulting in our seeing the same world from new, different points of view.

a unique pack of 36 self-development number cards including the accompanying booklet
the Light of Numbers (186 pages) which introduces and defines an entirely new
and fascinating concept of deeper understanding of the meaning of the numbers. The
introduced numerological concept of a 'new age' stems directly from the
elementary universal Cosmic principles which is why it's called
The Light of Numbers cards are multifunctional. Apart from the Cosmic numerology they also contain ancient wisdom of the Celts and the Far East. On the top of that, the cards also creatively work with the most secretly kept Cosmic code of all ages and cultures. This top secret Cosmic code of all codes is here, thanks to new and amazing discoveries of brilliant researchers, revealed. The cards are directly connected to it and work with it. It's also this connection what makes the Light of Numbers cards entirely extraordinary.
The Light of Numbers number cards are cards of the new generation and 'new age' of higher consciousness. They are unique, because there are no other cards that would even remotely resemble them. The Light of Numbers cards bring new discoveries and new possibilities of unheard significance. They bring understanding of the essential Cosmic principles which, in unity, permeate all levels of the Universe, including symbolism of numbers. Not only do they bring awareness and understanding of these, they also enable their practical usage in the reality of everyday life. The Light of Numbers number cards bring a new view of the world, the Universe and consequently oneself.
At the very heart of the Light of Numbers cards is the omnipresent COSMIC NUMEROLOGY. Its innovative approach to perceive the symbolic meaning of numbers and the basic principles of the Universe has boundless potential to brighten the reality of our lives. The Cosmic numerology generally evokes new levels of perception and brings deeper understanding of the Cosmic context.
COSMIC NUMEROLOGY is not just some interesting piece of news for the numerologists or esotericists. On the contrary, it's of practical use for literally everybody, for their entire lives. The Light of Numbers cards are not predestined just for gifted and chosen fortune tellers. They were tested by both fortune tellers and laymen, people outside of this field. They proved universal connection with universal validity. No wonder, after all they work with the universal Cosmic powers, principles and laws.
Human beings are surrounded and penetrated by both external and internal universes. Energy - information - codes - symbols,.....are omnipresent and are the direct manifestation of the Universe. The Universe does not communicate in human words and sentences. Symbols are components of the consciousness of the Universe and its speech. And numbers are among the basic symbols of the Universe. Numbers are components of its consciousness. Numbers are components of its speech. He who understands the speech of numbers understands the Universe deeper and thus himself. If you ever happen to lose by chance the Light of Numbers cards, it won't matter at all, since the laws of the Cosmic numerology will already become a part of your perception. If you manage to perceive it just once, the door to its wisdom will remain open to you forever.
The Universe contains order which is mirrored in all of
its aspects. Numbers constitute an integral part of this order and in
magnificently wise and witty way mirror the basic Cosmic principles which the
Universe is based on. Thanks to this, all of us can check the potency of the
COSMIC NUMEROLOGY in practice, since, on the subconscious level, humanity has
been always working with the basic Cosmic archetypes.
The COSMIC NUMEROLOGY also contains new fascinating discoveries of the meaning of the most secretly kept code of all ages and all cultures - the number 144, or 144 000 respectively.
It seems that the author of the Light of Numbers and the
Cosmic numerology, Jiří Veselý, has managed to meaningfully connect the
fascinating discoveries of the present day ingenious researchers Nassim
Haramein and Maurice Cotterell with historical sources and artefacts. Thanks to
this the answer to the question why the Cosmic code 144 (144 000) was the most
secretly kept code of all ages saw the light of day. After many millennia of
strict concealment, the author Jiří Veselý, in his work, touched the most
secretly kept knowledge of the gates between the substantial and insubstantial
worlds. Today, even we, modern-day people, can explore this unbelievable, rediscovered
information. The LIGHT OF NUMBERS number cards don't just work with the COSMIC
NUMEROLOGY but are also linked to the carrier wave of the Cosmic code 144.
I provided a comprehensive description of the basics of the Cosmic numerology in the book the Light of Numbers which accompanies the pack of 36 self-development number cards. Even though the COSMIC NUMEROLOGY, in its essence, is as old as the Universe itself, because it forms an integral part of it, it's still formally a new term, since, from an intellectual point of view, it approaches the nature and meaning of the numbers from an entirely new point of view - from the point of view of the basic Cosmic principles. Until now we've been approaching the essence of the numbers 'only' on the subconscious level. Now we can consciously work with this subconscious wisdom of the Universe.
The author Jiri Vesely adds:
Imagine that the wisdom of the creators of the Universe stands behind your back and you've got a chance to ask them whatever you want, at any time you want. And imagine that this highest wisdom would be willing to advise you most wisely at any time. It's beautiful imagination. It can even be beautiful reality. We have this option at any time. Just being aware of that, knowing how to use it and deserve it.
Let's carry on for a while with this imagination. What answers might we be getting from the wisdom of the Universe? Don't by this house? Get divorced? There will be a wedding in one year's time? No way. The Universe doesn't answer like this and such answers are hardly wise in most cases. A wise answer inspires you. A wise answer motivates you. And exactly like this is the advice of the cards of Cosmic numerology - THE LIGHT OF NUMBERS.
One young man asked a specific question in his mind, relaxed himself and pulled one card out of the LIGHT OF NUMBERS card pack. The main principle the card conveyed to him was duality. His question was: what he should do in life to have a nice relationship with his little, three-year-old son in the future. The principles of duality was the main answer to him. The LIGHT OF NUMBERS cards contain answers on many levels. The card this young man selected contained in indirect answers also how he should approach this duality. He still wasn't sure how to grasp the answer which guided him to process the duality in himself. After all he was asking about the relationship with his son. I therefore used one illustrative example through which this young man was able to understand the real message of the card. Processing the duality inside us ourselves, it pertains to all of us. Let's think of illness, for example. It can be annoying, we don't want it, we want to get rid of it. Illnesses can be viewed like this and people also often view them this way. But illness is also wise speech of our body. But illness is also wise speech of our body. Man, did you not pay enough attention to the given issue wisely mirrored to you by the Universe through the Cosmic mirrors? Were you ignoring it? All right then. The next step of mirroring is mirroring through somatization. Now your body requires your attention, your humbleness, wants you to keep a low profile....
He who can see illness from this wise point of view, doesn't see it as evil, punishment or injustice. He who has managed to process the duality inside himself views both of its two terminal points as the opposites. In other words, not as good on one side and evil on the other. Such a human being views illness, for example, as wise speech of the body. Such a human being views whatever happens as the way it should be happening. There's no sense in being angry with it. It makes sense to consciously change things.
Such approach should this young man adopt towards his question. Such is the answer of the LIGHT OF NUMBERS cards to his question what he should do to have a nice relationship with his son in life. If he works on himself and learns to see the world in a deeper context and recognises wisdom in its principles; if he stops condemning everything; if he learns to wisely approach the 'bad and good' concept, then he himself will change in such a way that, through the Cosmic mirrors, his world and the world around him will be much nicer. And his relationship with his son will mirror these beautiful qualities.
It's a beautiful and wise answer. The cards didn't tell him to do sport twice a week with his little son or to do this or that with him. They showed him from which angle he should approach his question, himself and the world around.
The young man understood. Even despite the fact that he was a 'doubting Thomas'.
He realised that he could trust his subconscious mind. He realised that the key principles of the Universe are simply universal and omnipresent and that it's wise to let yourself be inspired by them.
Such are the LIGHT OF NUMBERS cards. They are predominantly creative and inspiring, revealing the essence and context.'
36 individual number cards refer to cosmic principles which are reflected and mirrored by each number. The story of the numbers is literally fascinating. The zero talks about the unlimited, absolute, perfect potential, the 1 talks about specification of the uniform purpose, the 2 talks about the principles of opposing forces, the 3 talks about observing, balance and action, the 4 talks about the necessity of orientation in the given environment...
- The numbers 0 to 9 mirror the basic archetypes of the universal Cosmic principles.
- The numbers 10 to 14 mirror the higher Cosmic principles.
- The series of numbers 0 to 14 tells, through successive Cosmic principles, a fascinating and thrilling story about the Creation of the world, its powers and influence and about the paths of life which the Universe hosts.
- 144 (144 000) - the most secretly kept Cosmic code of all codes is linked to the boundary between the substantial and insubstantial worlds. It's the Cosmic boundary between the worlds. And it's exactly the number 14 which is the end point of the numerical Cosmic story of Creation. It's the the apex of the conscious cognition of the paths of life.
It all makes absolute sense. We perceive the basic Cosmic archetypes very well on the subconscious level. And it's our subconsciousness that knows us best. And it's exactly our subconsciousness that determines which card we pick 'by chance' from the pack. When we consider all of this, we realise that when asking a question we can fully depend on such 'a chance' when choosing one of the 36 cards. Because subconsciousness knows very well what it's doing. Let's make use of it. I think it would be a shame to let slip away this boundless wisdom of the Cosmos and our subconsciousness. Let us be advised by our own, wise subconsciousness.